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The City of North Vancouver, District of North Vancouver, and District of West Vancouver are undertaking a Transportation Survey, as part of the Integrated North Shore Transportation Planning Project (INSTPP). More details about coordinated transportation planning on the North Shore can be found here:
Your participation will go a long way in shaping how your community moves. By understanding how, where, and why residents travel within the North Shore, we can better plan our future transportation system and services.
If you have received an invitation to complete the 2023 survey or participated last year, please log in with your secure access code or phone us at 1-855-522-2887 and help shape the North Shore’s transportation future!
As a thank you for your participation, you will have a chance to enter a prize draw each time you participate in one of the North Shore Transportation Surveys and you could win an e-gift card with values ranging from 25 to 100 dollars just for participating! Details on the prize draw are available once you access your survey.
The survey team is dedicated to protecting the privacy of its participants. Click here for more information: Privacy Statement