Interested in further information about the North Shore Transportation Survey?
Please contact us:
Toll-free survey hotline:
Thank you for your interest in the Survey. Access to this survey has been closed.
The survey is a voluntary transportation survey that collects information about daily travel. Data collected in the survey will be used to inform decisions on future transportation options for the North Shore. These will include plans for improving roads, transit infrastructure, services and pedestrian and cycling facilities.
The North Shore Transportation Survey is part of the Integrated North Shore Transportation Planning Project (INSTPP). More details about coordinated transportation planning on the North Shore can be found here:
Yes. The North Shore Transportation Survey is an initiative led by the City of North Vancouver, the District of North Vancouver, and the District of West Vancouver. The survey is being conducted on their behalf by an independent research firm, R.A. Malatest & Associates Ltd.
Randomly selected households from across the region will receive a letter inviting them to participate in the survey online. Overall, approximately 1,900 residents are going to be surveyed.
For questions about North Shore transportation research, including this survey, please contact:
Canada-based research firm R. A. Malatest & Associates Ltd. is conducting the survey on behalf of the City of North Vancouver, the District of North Vancouver, and the District of West Vancouver.
The survey period takes place between September and December. Future updates to the survey will take place in subsequent years.
Participation in the survey is voluntary yet important! Only a limited number of households are invited to join the study, so the few minutes you take to participate will have a big impact. Your participation is crucial to understanding and responding to the transportation needs of the North Shore.
Survey participants are asked about their household, demographics, transportation-related attributes, as well as specific trip-level information.
Types of questions are listed here.
The information gathered by the survey will help the North Shore better understand residents’ current travel patterns, transportation choices and trip purposes. Your survey data will remain confidential and will only be analyzed when combined with the information of other participants.
Your input will help to:
North Shore residents who are 15 years of age or older living at addresses that have been randomly selected are eligible to participate. North Shore residents are those who have a home address in the City of North Vancouver, District of North Vancouver, or District of West Vancouver.
Online, the survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.
Yes, residents who do not travel are just as important as those who do. Your survey answers will help build a snapshot of the travel patterns of the population as a whole, including people who did not travel on the day for which travel information is being provided. Your participation will ensure that the survey reflects the make-up of the general population.
Yes. To make an appointment to be interviewed please phone 1-855-522-2887.
Please leave a voicemail that includes the date and time as well as your secure access code, which can be found on the letter you received in the mail.
Yes. Click on the survey login button to begin your survey. The survey can be accessed by entering your secure access code, which can be found on the letter you received in the mail.
If you have received a survey invitation and are unable to complete the survey, please phone 1-855-522-2887 or email and we will arrange for assistance to ensure that you are able to participate.
Surveys can be completed online in English only. Surveys may be completed by phone interview in other languages.
To complete the survey in another language call
اگر می خواهید نظرسنجی را به زبان فارسی انجام دهید, لطفا با دفتر ما تماس بگیرید
如需國語(普通話)或粵語(廣東話)來完成本次調查, 請致電
如需国语(普通话)或粤语(广东话)来完成本次调查, 请致电
한국어 설문지를 원하시면 다음 번호로 연락하십시오
1-855-522-2887 (toll-free).
You can participate in two ways:
Yes! This survey is an annual survey that allows the North Shore municipalities to understand changes in residents' travel patterns over time. We'd love it if you participate in more than one year.
Your privacy is important to us. The North Shore Transportation Survey information is protected under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. When reporting survey results, survey data is combined with other responses in the area and cannot be traced back to an individual or household.